Edward Pearce-Crump

EPSRC AI Hub Postdoctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London

I am a Research Associate in the Mathematical and Computational Foundations of Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London under the mentorship of Dr Anthea Monod. My work is supported by a £10M EPSRC Mathematical and Computational Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Hub [EP/Y028872/1]. You can read the press release about the EPSRC AI Hub here.

Research Interests

I have a broad range of research interests, but I focus mostly on the following topics and their possible intersection:

I am particularly interested in exploring how combinatorial objects and structures, which are traditionally rooted in pure mathematics, can provide a theoretical foundation for practical applications — most notably, in the development of group equivariant neural networks.


Roderic Hill Building, Office 317Department of MathematicsSouth Kensington CampusImperial College LondonSW7 2AZUnited Kingdom


ep1011 at ic dot ac dot uk